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Icon Explochanger 1.0
Utility for Changing Values in Multiple Text-Based Files

App Info


Application is dedicated for fast and massive processing multiple text files. Is useful if is needed to modify content of text-based file such as: html,, xml, txt, rtf, configuration files and others. It's simple but effective and time-saving tool.

It should be remembered that before you start working with the program, make back up the files to be processed. Processing results can not be undone. In the case of an improper processing of files, or when the outcome inconsistent with the expected must be able to recover files from backup.

Do not process the files if you have no a backup!

The role of the App is searching specific text string values into text files, to remove them or replace by other. The most important feature of the Application is possibility of processing multiple file into the directory and subdirectories. This feature is very important when it is needed to be replaced some values into entire html based Web Service, composed with the very many files, placed into directories and subdirectories. App can change any value in entire web service (such as: web address, color value or any other parameter in html code) one mouse click.

How To Use
Files processing is composed with a few little steps. The first step is a setting proper text encoding and files format (name extension) Filter. Click the button and next, set proper String Encoding and Files Type.

Supported Strings Encodings:

If you want to process files have the extension not available in the filter list (html, txt, rtf), just type it, without dot of course and press Enter.

Example: xml

From the File menu, choose Select Catalog or use the button located on the main screen, and then point to the directory where the files to be processed.

In the next step, enter the value to Find field. Value must be entered exactly like value to replace existing in the files to be processed. Search operation is case-sensitive, spaces and their position is important as well.

If in the Replace field value has been entered, after run the process, application will replace every found string in file, matching to the value in to Find field. If you leave Replace field blank, every occurrence of the value from the Find field will be erased from processed files, listed in Paths And Names list. To start processing, click the button or select Run Process from the File menu. Start of the process must be confirmed. To see the file content, highlight the file you want to see, click right button, and select option Show File Content from the contextual menu. File content will be shown in other window.

Values entered to the Find and Replace will be collected into pop-up lists for further use. To remove values from the lists, use the Clear List option from Edit menu. Single values from list can be removed by using list management option, available from the Edit menu.

Processing Result
In the main window table are located the ✔ column. In this column will be appear the processing files results:

✔ - file modified successfully.
✖ - value found, but file can't be modified (ex.: incompatibility string encoding).
Miss - file deleted or removed.
no mark -  file has not been modified, does not contain value to search.

If the file has not been modified because of incompatible encoding, you can change the encoding and restart the process.

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